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The middleware pipeline is configured with the middleware configuration property. It must contain a list of functions that receive the next app in the pipeline, the settings object and the dependency injection container and must return a plain asgi middleware instance:

def middleware_factory(app, settings, di):
    async def inner(scope, receive, send):
        await app(scope, receive, send)

    return inner

Any asgi middleware can be used in the middleware pipeline. For instance, it is possible to use the SessionMiddleware from starlette:

from starlette.middleware.sessions import SessionMiddleware

def session_middleware(app, settings, di):
    return SessionMiddleware(app, secret_key=settings.session.secret_key)
  - application.middleware:session_middleware

  secret_key: super_secret_key


To demonstrate the middleware system, we will create a timing middleware that will output to the console the time spent in the processing of the request:

from asgikit.requests import Request
from asgikit.responses import respond_json
from selva.web import get

async def hello(request: Request):
    await respond_json(request.response, {"greeting": "Hello, World!"})
from import Callable
from datetime import datetime

import structlog

from selva.di import service

logger = structlog.get_logger()

def timing_middleware(app, settings, di):
    async def inner(scope, receive, send):
        request_start =
        await app(scope, receive, send)
        request_end =

        delta = request_end - request_start"request duration", duration=str(delta))
    return inner
  - application.middleware.timing_middleware

Middleware dependencies

Middleware functions can use the provided dependency injection container to get services the middleware might need. We could rewrite the timing middleware to persist the timings using a service instead of printing to the console:

from datetime import datetime

from application.service import TimingService

class TimingMiddleware:
    def __init__(self, app, timing_service: TimingService):
        self.timing_service = timing_service

    async def __call__(self, scope, receive, send):
        request_start =
        await app(scope, receive, send)
        request_end =

        await, request_end)

async def timing_middleware(app, settings, di):
    timing_service = await di.get(TimingService)
    return TimingMiddleware(app, timing_service)
from datetime import datetime

from selva.di import service

class TimingService:
    async def save(start: datetime, end: datetime):