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Routing is defined by the decorators in the controllers and handlers.

Path parameters

Parameters can be defined in the handler's path using the syntax :parameter_name, where parameter_name must be the name of the argument on the handler's signature.

from typing import Annotated
from asgikit.requests import Request
from asgikit.responses import respond_text
from selva.web import controller, get, FromPath

class Controller:
    async def handler(self, request: Request, name: Annotated[str, FromPath]):
        await respond_text(request.response, f"Hello, {name}!")

Here was used Annotated and FromPath to indicated that the handler argument is to be bound to the parameter from the request path. More on that will be explained in the following sections.

Path matching

The default behavior is for a path parameter to match a single path segment. If you want to match the whole path, or a subpath of the request path, use the syntax *parameter_name.

from typing import Annotated
from asgikit.requests import Request
from asgikit.responses import respond_text
from selva.web import controller, get, FromPath

class Controller:
    async def handler(self, request: Request, path: Annotated[str, FromPath]):
        name = " ".join(path.split("/"))
        await respond_text(request.response, f"Hello, {name}!")

For a request like GET hello/Python/World, the handler will output Hello, Python World!.

You can mix both types of parameters with no problem:

  • *path
  • *path/literal_segment
  • :normal_param/*path
  • :normal_param/*path/:other_path

Parameter conversion

Parameter conversion is done through the type annotation on the parameter. Selva will try to find a converter suitable for the parameter type and then convert the value before calling the handler method.

from typing import Annotated
from asgikit.requests import Request
from asgikit.responses import respond_json
from selva.web import controller, get, FromPath

class Controller:
    async def handler(self, request: Request, amount: Annotated[int, FromPath]):
        await respond_json(request.response, {f"repeat {i}": i for i in range(amount)})

The type annotation indicates that we want a value of type int that should be taken from the request path.

Selva already provide converters for the types str, int, float, bool and pathlib.PurePath.

Custom parameter conversion

Conversion can be customized by providing an implementing of selva.web.converter.param_converter.ParamConverter. You normally use the shortcut decorator selva.web.converter.decodator.register_param_converter.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Annotated

from asgikit.requests import Request
from asgikit.responses import respond_text
from selva.web import controller, get, FromPath
from selva.web.converter.decorator import register_param_converter

class MyModel:
    name: str

class MyModelParamConverter:
    def from_str(self, value: str) -> MyModel:
        return MyModel(value)

class MyController:
    async def handler(self, request: Request, model: Annotated[MyModel, FromPath]):
        await respond_text(request.response, str(model))

If the ParamConverter implementation raise an error, the handler is not called. And if the error is a subclass of selva.web.error.HTTPError, for instance UnathorizedError, a response will be produced according to the error.

The ParamConverter can also be provided a method called into_str(self, obj) -> str that is used to convert the object back. This is used to build urls from routes. If not implemented, the default calls str on the object.